An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
SSN : 0971 - 3093
Vol 14, Nos 3 & 4, July-December, 2005
Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 14, Nos 3 & 4 (2005) 191-197
Fractal analysis of the player’s motions in a computer soccer game
Sangrak Kim
Department of Physics, Kyonggi University, Suwon, Kyonggi-do, 442-760, Korea
This paper describes a fractal analysis of the player’s motions in a computer soccer game. It is important to know the behaviors of the players during the game. We have already reported a fractal analysis of the ball motion in a computer soccer game [1]. We obtained time series for the x-component ( parallel to the touch line) and the y-component (parallel to the goal line) of the player’s coordinates by using video analysis techniques. We calculated the values of regularization dimension for the time series. The values of regularization dimension corresponding to the component parallel to the touch line are slightly less than those of the component parallel to the goal lne. Also, the actual dimensional values are rather small, which means that the motions are rather quite straight and smooth. The fractal dimensions of the trajectories of some players are also calculated.© Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Total Refs: 7
1 Kim S, J Kor Phys Soc, 44(2004)664.
Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 14, Nos 3 & 4 (2005) 199-205
High-temperature phase transformation of LiH2PO4 and possible solid-state polymerization
Kwang-Sei Lee1* and V H Schmidt2
1School of Computer-Aided Science, Inje University, Gimhae 621- 749, Gyeongnam, Korea
2 Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA
The dielectric constant of LiH2PO4 powder was measured over the temperature range from 13 to 493 K. A Significant change is not observed below room temperature, indicating that the room temperature orthogonal phase is persisted to 13 K. The electric constant above room temperature showed two anomalies at 178 °C (TP1) and at 196 °C (TP2), which is believed as an onset of dimerization and oligeomerization, respectively. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Total Ref: 26
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