An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
SSN : 0971 - 3093
Vol 25, No 12, December, 2016
25th Anniversary Year of AJP-2016
Accepted Papers
Journal of
Vol. 25
No 12, 2016, 1467-1485
Thermoluminescence (TL) Basics, theory and applications
Reuven Chen
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
The effect of thermoluminescence (TL) in solids, first discovered in the 17th century, has been studied intensively since the first half of the 20th century. In the present article, the effect is briefly described concentrating mainly on the basic theory and the dose dependence. Also are discussed the applications in radiation dosimetry and archaeological and geological dating. Briefly is also mentioned the sister effect of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and its applications. The role of Indian scientists in different aspects of TL/OSL is described. From the thousands of papers published by Indian researchers only a relatively small number could be mentioned here. The contribution of Indian investigators to the quest for new TL and OSL dosimetric materials, in particular in recent years, has been elaborated upon. Also have been discussed the study of TL from photosynthetic materials and the input of Indian scientists to this subject of botany. Finally, a number of review papers and books by Indian workers have been mentioned. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Thermoluminescence, Geological dating, Photosynthetic materials
Total Refs: 193
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Asian Journal of
Vol. 25
No 12, 2016, 1487-1504
Thermoluminescence in India: The Golden Era
(From the beginning to 1965)
R K Gartia
Department of Physics, Manipur University, Imphal-795 003, Manipur, India
Thermoluminescence (TL) has been an active area of research in many laboratories of India. The overall contribution of Indian workers to the field of TL is significant. In fact practically all books on TL and related areas have recognized this. A search of early work on TL upto~1965 clearly shows that there is no proper documentation and evaluation. A number of published documents clearly reveal that though the first paper on the subject appeared in 1946 from IISc Bangalore from the group of C.V. Raman, it flourished in Khaira Laboratory, Calcutta under the supervision of S.N. Bose. During the period 1950-1956, H.N Bose , J.Sharma, B.C.Datta and A.K. Ghosh made significant contributions in the field of TL. A sensitive TL spectrometer was designed under the guidance of S.N. Bose, who presented its details at the International Conference on Crystallography held in Paris in 1954. The equipment was duplicated in IIT Kharagpur by the group of H.N. Bose and was in operation beyond 1960. In this review some of the selected data recorded on the equipment have been tested for its present day relevance by applying rigorous methods of analysis.
Inspite of an excellent start and back up by S.N Bose, one of the most influential scientists of pre- Independent and immediate post-independent India, somehow, lost the golden opportunity of becoming world leader in the field of TL. This review presents, as far as possible, an authentic record of early works on TL in India based on the personal involvement of the author with the subject right from 1972 to present day that include a six years (1972-78) stint at IIT, Kharagpur, where he had the privilege of direct interaction with H.N. Bose and his group who did work on TL and related areas.
Although this review is a critical comment on early Indian work on TL, it does present a concise picture of TL and its application till the present day and point out some possible directions where the subject may enter in future. It provides the relevant references for the beginners those who wish to exploit the potentialities of TL as a spectroscopic tool to study optical properties of insulators/ semiconductor © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: CGCD, TL, D2O ice, FOM.
Total Refs: 164
Asian Journal of
Vol. 25
No 12, 2016, 1505-1516
Trap levels modification strategies of luminescent devices based on CaS lattice: The role of thermoluminescence
Lisham Paris Chanu, Ngangbam Chandrasekhar and R K Gartia*
Department of Physics, Manipur University, Imphal-795 003, Manipur, India
The performance of all devices using the phenomenon of luminescence may be the scintillator, dosimeter or phosphor for lamps, radar screen or Glow-in-the-dark-Phosphor essentially is designed in the large band-gap of an inorganic solid with or without activator and/or co-activator. The charge trafficking is controlled by physical parameters of the trapping levels that may be intrinsic or extrinsic or both. Thermoluminescence (TL) is a sensitive technique capable of locating the position of the trapping levels with respect to either the valance or conduction band, without distinguishing between the acceptor and the donor trap levels.Using this concept, we present here, the trap level modification strategies adopted by innovators to design their phosphors based on CaS host lattice. The present work focuses on two commercial phosphors, one from Phosphor Technology, England; the other from Jash Marketing Services, Hyderabad, India. However, the concept is universal for all devices that use luminescence as its signal. Finally, we believe, for the first time a complete picture of trap levels and their relevant parameters for designing future CaS lattice based optical materials for technical applications is presented. The data may be used for designing future devices for optical storage, IR sensor, IR to Visible convertors and even OSL dosimeters. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Scientillator, Dosimeter, Trap levels, Hall effect
Total Refs: 64
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Asian Journal of Physics Vol 25, No 12(2016)00-00
characterization and cytotoxicity evaluation of the newlysynthesized Ce(III) complex
Irena Kostova1,*, Venceslava Atanasova1, Vasile Chiş2, Jan Mojžiš3, Petar Yordanov Atanasov4
1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Medical University, 2 Dunav St., Sofia 1000, BULGARIA
2Department of Biomedical Physics, Faculty of
Physics, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,
3Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, P.J. Šafarik University, Košice, SLOVAKIA
4Clinic of Internal Diseases UMHATEM “N. I. Pirogov” – Sofia 1000, BULGARIA
E-mail: irenakostova@yahoo.com; Tel. +359 2 92 36 569
The Ce(III) complex of orotic acid (HOA) was synthesized and its structure was determined by means of analytical and spectral analyses. Detailed vibrational analysis of HOA, sodium salt of HOA and Ce(III)-OA systems based on both the calculated and experimental spectra confirmed the suggested metal-ligand binding mode. Significant differences in the IR and Raman spectra of the complex were observed as compared to the spectra of the ligand and confirmed the suggested metal-ligand binding mode. The calculated vibrational wavenumbers including IR and Raman scattering activities for the ligand and its Ce(III) complex were in good agreement with the experimental data. The vibrational analysis performed for the studied species, orotic acid, sodium salt of orotic acid and its Ce(III) complex, helped to explain the vibrational behaviour of the ligand vibrational modes, sensitive to interaction with Ce(III). In this paper we report preliminary results about the cytotoxicity of the investigated compounds. The cytotoxic effects of the ligand and its Ce(III) complex were determined using MTT method on different tumour cell lines. The screening performed revealed that the tested compounds exerted cytotoxic activity upon the evaluated cell lines.©Anita Publications. All rights reserved
Keywords: Ce(III) complex; Orotic acid; IR; Raman; cytot.oxicity
Total Refs:57
Asian Journal of Physics Vol 25, No 12(2016) 00-00
and photoluminescence properties of blue
Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ , Dy3+, R+ (R+ = Li+, Na+ and K+) phosphors
Prasad Sahu*, aD.
P. Bisen, aN.
Brahme, aLata Wanjari,
Kumar Tamrakar and cK V R Murthy
of Studies in Physics & Astrophysics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla
University, Raipur,Chhattisgarh, India
of Applied Physics, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg,
Chhattisgarh, India
cDepartment of
Applied Physics, The MS University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat,
Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ , Dy3+ and Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ , Dy3+, R+ (R+ = Li+, Na+ and K+) phosphors were prepared by conventional solid state reaction method. The crystal structures of synthesized phosphors were an akermanite type structure which belongs to the tetragonal crystallography. The thermoluminescence (TL) glow curves of the synthesized phosphors were measured at various delay times. With increased delay time, the intensity of the TL peak decays and the position of the TL peak shifts towards higher temperature, indicating the considerable re-trapping associated with general order kinetics. Trap depth are calculated using thermoluminescence glow curve, which signifies the creation of suitable traps, responsible for elongation of afterglow. In this work, the blue emission originated from the 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 transitions of Eu2+ ions could clearly be observed after samples were excited at 343 nm. Decay graph indicate that these phosphors also contain the fast and slow afterglow process. The dopant R+ (R+ = Li+, Na+ and K+) as charge compensator in Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ , Dy3+, can further enhance the intensity, and the TL and PL intensity of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ , Dy3+ doping Li+ is higher than that of Na+ or K+. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
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