An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
SSN : 0971 - 3093
Vol 26, No 3&4, March-April, 2017
Asian Journal of
Vol. 26
No 3&4 (2017) 149-158
Time: The Enigma of Space
T S Yu
Evan Pugh (University)
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Penn State University,
University Park, PA 16802, USA
In this article we have based on the laws of physics to illustrate the enigma time as creating our physical space (i.e., the universe). We have shown that without time there would be no physical substances, no space and no life. In reference to Einstein’s energy equation, we see that energy and mass can be traded, and every mass can be treated as an Energy Reservoir. We have further shown that physical space cannot be embedded in absolute empty space and cannot have any absolute empty subspace in it. Since all physical substances existed with time, our cosmos is created by time and every substance including our universe is coexisted with time. Although time initiates the creation, it is the physical substances which presented to us the existence of time. We are not alone with almost absolute certainty. Someday we may find a right planet, once upon a time, had harbored a civilization for a short period of light years. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Einstein’s energy equation, Physical space, Universe
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Bending effects in large core graded index fibre with multi-channel transmission
Siriaksorn Jakborvornphan, Rupert Young, Phil Birch, and Chris Chatwin
School of Engineering and Designs, University of Sussex, UK
One of the key challenges in the design of a fibre optics system that degrades the system performance is the presence of bending, which should be carefully considered to ensure a reduction of losses in order to further increase the total carrying capacity. In this work, we present numerical simulations to examine bending loss in a newly designed high-capacity fibre with a large-core diameter of 200 μm and graded index profile (GI200 fibre) supporting a multiplicity of communication channels at a wavelength of 1.55 μm. In addition, we investigate the effect of bending on the periodic reconstruction phenomenon when four input channels are multiplexed into both a single bend and multiple bends of fibre under various bending conditions. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Graded refractive-index profile; spatial diversity; bending loss.
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Efficient hyperspectral target detection using class-associative spectral fringe- adjusted
JTC with dimensionality reduction techniques
Paheding Sidike1, Abduwasit Ghulam1, Vijayan K Asari2 and Mohammad S Alam3
1Center for Sustainability, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA
2Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469, USA
3Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville 78363, Texas, USA
Recent studies have shown that fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation (FJTC) can be effectively applied for single class and even multiclass object detection in hyperspectral imagery (HSI). However, directly utilizing FJTC based techniques for HSI processing may not be efficient due to the fact that HSI may contain a large volume of data redundancy. Therefore, incorporating dimensionality reduction (DR) methods prior to the object detection procedure is suggested. In this paper, we combine several DRs individually with class-associative spectral FJTC (CSFJTC), and then compare their performance on single class and multiclass object detection tasks using a real-world hyperspectral data set. Test results show that the CSFJTC with denoising autoencoder provides superior performance compared to the alternate methods for detecting few dissimilar patterns in the scene. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Joint transform correlation (FJTC), Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI). Binary JTC (BJTC)
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Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 26, No 3 & 4 (2017) 181-196
Active Contours for Segmentation: A Survey
Fatema A Albalooshi1 and Vijayan K Asari2
1Department of Computer Engineering, College of IT, University of Bahrain, Sakheer, P.O Box 32038 Bahrain.
2Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469 USA.
Boundary extraction for object region segmentation is one of the most challenging tasks in image processing and computer vision areas. The complexity of large variations in the appearance of the object and the background in a typical image causes the performance degradation of existing segmentation algorithms. Active Contour Models (ACMs) has been utilized broadly for segmentation. This paper presents a survey of different ACMs for segmentation including edge-based ACM, level-set based ACM, active contours with prior information, active contour segmentation with neural networks, and the lattice Boltzmann active contours. Exploiting the combined computational capacity and energy minimization ability of the ACMs, they are efficient with lower computational time. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Active contour models, parametric active contours, geometric active contours, level-set function, self-organizing maps, lattice Boltzmann method.
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Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 26, No 3 & 4 (2017) 197-212
3D Reconstruction Revisited: Real-time Indoor Reconstruction by Using RGB-D Sensor
Ruixu Liu1 and Vijayan K Asari1
1Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469 USA
3D reconstruction has been a fundamental subject in the field of computer graphics and computer vision. This paper provides a systematic survey of advance systems of real-time indoor scene reconstruction by using RGB and Depth camera including Kinect fusion, Kintinuous and Elastic fusion. We also evaluate their performance for the 3D reconstruction and camera trajectory estimation using two standard scene reconstruction datasets, namely the TUM benchmark dataset and ICL-NUIM dataset. Test results show that both Kintinuous system and Elastic fusion system provide good performance compared to the classic Kinect fusion system. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
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Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 26, No 3 & 4 (2017) 213-218
Tensorsketch – Scene Sketch Generation Using Structure Tensor
Surya Prasath
Imaging and VisAnalysis Lab, Department of Computer Science,
University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211,
Scene sketch generation is useful for non-photo realistic renderings, and digital entertainment.Recently, computerized sketch generation from digital images for objects, faces, and materials picked up considerable interest and applications are found in law enforcement, image based stylization, and other preliminary tasks such as segmentation that are required to perform pattern recognition. In this work, we utilize multiscalestructure tensor based approach that works well in capturing salient boundaries and provides visually pleasing sketch results. Experimental results on two different datasets indicate the usefulness of our proposed approach. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
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